Bet search results issue

Hi all just subscribed on here and when bet search results come up it shows a few or none but in brackets says 90-120 bets available but I can’t see them does anyone else have this problem.

Hi! This means that the bets displayed are the ones available with your filter settings. Try to loosen your filter settings (or add more bookmakers) and you’ll see more bets. Though, at the moment the number of value bets you’ll see in the list is still limited to around 10 bets.

You should have entered your filter settings to only display the top bets that you want to bet on, so, therefore, we decided to only show a limited number of bets. As soon as you remove a bet or bet on it, it will disappear, and the list of value bets will fill up again.

OK thanks I’ve got it now :blush:

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