Bankroll should be your starting bank + your curent profit. If you started at £1k and your £100 in profit, your bankroll would be £1100. Having a higher bankroll in settings will lead to higher stakes being suggested.
The caveat to this is, If you have ‘adjust for open bets’ ticked the system will remove the money tied up in open bets from your available bankroll before calculating the stakes for future bets. So if you have £500 in pending bets your next bet stake will be calculated based on a £600 bankroll instead of £1100 so the advised stake will be much lower.
In summary: higher or lower total bankroll will affect the maximum bet size.
Adjust for Open bets will adjust your bet size based on how many open bets you have to protect you from losing everything.
Personally I have my Bankroll set much lower than my current profit. I started at £1000 and have it set to £4000 currently but my profit is closer to £7000 I started off updating my bankroll when it moved significatly above a level eg 1500 once I reached 2500. Because this is just a ‘virtual’ bankroll and not all of my money I don’t adjust for open bets meaning my bet size is always max £100 even with 100 open bets but onn a bad run I could in theory lose my entire bankroll.