10Bet upgraded website

After being down for 2 days , 10Bet has come back alive in the UK. " Faster and sexier" they say…however, for me its the final nail in my value betting coffin. Its the only Soft that let me put stakes down practically without restrictions . Id primed it by being a mug punter before Id even heard of Rebel Betting, and guess thats why its lasted.
From this evening , the RB link no longer takes you to the bet…you have to manually find them now. This in itself is not a disaster…but the disappearance of Asian Hp Odds for FT and HT has killed it for me. I know people sing bet365s praises ) I was banned by them years ago…so dont know what Ive missed, but 10Bet has been my mainstay over the last 2 yrs at Rebel Betting.

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You could still place bets on threeway, over/under, dnb, though with the removal of Asian Handicaps you’re gonna have to work harder or you could compensate by increasing stakes

Ive used 10Bet for years. The DNB odds are always slightly lower than the O hp…and I noticed that DNB is missing too on lower leagues. Ive got all options open on my settings so not missing anything. I dont know if you use 10bet , but theyve now introduced a new search bar-- which is crap! Previously RB linked directly to the bets but it doesnt now…and their previous search bar found bets immediately for things , this new one doesnt- particularly on Tennis.

If you want the RB developers to take notice of the issue you’re facing, I would recommend making a support ticket. It’s normal that the links aren’t working at the moment because, as you mentioned, they had a site update, which likely caused changes to the HTML code.

I’m sure RB will address and fix this issue in the future. In the meantime, you can manually search for the bets you’re interested in. By the way, if I understood correctly, you’ve been using 10Bet with RB for two years without any restrictions. That’s impressive, and it would be a shame to leave this scene when you’re practically sitting on a gold mine.

Yes its true , it was my main earner…but I had well-primed it by using it for years before joining RB and betting on doubles/ trebles in the o/u soccer markets and also throwing away money on Casino games…but in reflection it was all well worth it :slight_smile:

In addition, I have informed RB support yesterday and remided again just now

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Yes, thanks for your report. :slight_smile:

The odds being quoted with RB doesn’t tally up 10 Bet now with the update, also various leagues are gone on the updated site. Bloody nightmare

Thank God its not just me finding that the RB /10Bet has gone to pot!

Their upgrade has turned it from brill to shite overnight.


Hi Hannah

Please advise when you guys are gonna sort out the 10Bet…Ive sent 3 requests through support over the last 5 days and nothing has happened, or replied

Welp that’s tough, it’s been worse for me tho. Today I found out that users in Finland are no longer accepted. I can’t even enter the page to withdraw my money… Hopefully their support will answer something useful quickly…

Hope you get your money back asap! Its been a blow for my Value betting/sure betting future,because 10bet was the only Soft bookie I could place bets on without restrictions. They used to have tons of Asian hp bets on low tier and I made a nice return,but now I cant even find the bets, for the most time, and when I do …the odds are way worse than Rebel show.

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Yeah, I’ve been limited from a couple places aswell and 10bet has been one of the ones remaining so I feel you man. Hope it starts getting better or you find some new sites bro.

We understand that this is an important bookmaker to you and we will do our best to get them back as soon as we can. As I said to Audiman before; we are still a bit short-staffed due to summer vacations. The dev team will be at full capacity at the end of August/beginning of September.

Issues like this do not usually take just a few days to sort out. Sometimes they do, but most times they don’t. It requires significant time and resources, and I am sorry for the long time it takes. But this is the reality we all have to face. The bookmakers make changes to their sites, and we have to keep up.

Thanks for understanding. :blush:

Yes, good luck getting it back. Update to my situation: I got my money back from 10bet :blush:

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