€31.000 profit since March

You would think so, but the long lasting and regularly profitable members ahve settings different to RBs standard…and also in RBs blurb it states that their settings are recommended for Beginners.

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Why is everyone so eager to get settings from other members??

We could have the same settings and completely different outcomes. people bet morning/afternoon/night time so the bets are going to be different hence different results.


I guess , as a Community, we all want each other to be as succesful as possible? But your point is valid, as we are global. I hate the American sports as I lose on them and dont understand them, yet some members win on them! Ive seen some members dislike Tennis/Esports and Soccer…which are my best sports!


Yes i think inevitably people are going to experience downswings on different sports and this leads them to stop betting on those sports before they place enough bets to allow for the underlying value to shine through.They then go and claim there’s no value in the sports they’ve had bad experiences with. I tend to bet on all sports regardless after i’ve double checked on pinnacle that the value is still there. Value doesn’t discriminate if it’s there it’s there.