So, I’m a student studying computer engineering and I’ve been using this software for the last 2 weeks now. My initial bankroll was 2400€ but I’m already up to over 4100€. I’ve been spending approximately 2-3 hours betting every day and I would say my goal is to make at least 50 bets every day, though I sometimes bet alot more.
I’m planning on updating this weekly to show others starting out what the profits might look like if you can put in the hours.
And how many bets you get per day? I have minimum value 2% and I have around 80/90 bets on weekdays and 150/200 on weekends, Maybe I could try to put minimum value to 3% but I would get less bets
So far I’ve been getting a little over 50 bets on weekdays and 100 on weekends. I think your strategy should work great too because you are getting so many more bets than I do, even though you get less value per bet.
I don’t think they are gathering data from Veikkaus at the moment. Would be nice for the Finnish customers, since Veikkaus rarely limits players. @Simon@Hanna