Bad ESPN Bet Lines?

For the past couple of days, all of the lines for ESPN Bet that I am seeing on RebelBetting have been way off what I see on the ESPN Bet site. Is anyone else seeing this? Is it just me?

Not just you, I have found the same thing. It’s quite frustrating seeing 20 bets for ESPNBet and not being able to place any of them.

Thank you. Every so often I need confirmation that I am not crazy. My Value Bet screen is 100% ESPN bets that I cannot make.

Same I’m getting some others sprinkled in there working fine but it’s mostly ESPNBet.

I’m seeing similar things with BetOnline right now too. Been a rough weekend for rebelbetting which sucks since that’s when I put in the most volume.

Update: I swapped a couple of emails with the folks at RebelBetting. The bottom line is that ESPN Bet has been pulled from the mix for the moment while the developers work on fixing the issue.

Hopefully they fix the hockey rules while they are at it. ESPNBet is one of the many books that they have the OT rules incorrect on.