Bankroll Managament, I need help

Hello everyone!

I have done my valuebetting trial and im thinking to hop on starter.

Im trying to figure out best strategy to place much bets as possible, I have 1000€ to play with.

Should I keep AFOB on or off? How big cut of my bankroll should I keep on open bets and how big on my accs?

Like is it too risky if I have 80-100% of bankroll on open bets and have AFOB off?

What timeframes to use for turning over money fast as possible?

I want to find good startegy, but still keep the variance in control and play with minimum/medium risk.

I really appreciate if you can share your startegies on that and help me to start the journey!

Best regards!

Hi Luca_Ortiz,
IMHO, go with the default settings BUT turn off AFOB, raise the minimum % to at least 2.5 (I personally go with between 3.2 and 4%), and, if you want to reduce variance and minimize risk, you should reduce Kelly to 25, or perhaps 20%.
With min value 4.0 and with this settings it will require about 90 to 110 bets to get the bakroll into play with the PRO version.
How much to keep on the various accs. depends on how many nets and what value is available.

Your question: Like is it too risky if I have 80-100% of bankroll on open bets and have AFOB off?
What timeframes to use for turning over money fast as possible?
Monday -Thursday 48h
Friday 24h
Saturday-Sunday 12h
Also depends on what time of year, if it is season for some sports and what min. value you have selected.
Whatever you do, do NOT change settings frequently!

Are you on RB discord?

Thanks much G!!

But when you said raise the minimum percentage to 2.5% At least, what percentage did you meant by that?

Yup just joined!