Hyperlink from bet to Bookie page

Hi All,

I recently started with RB and am still getting the hang of everything. One thing I noticed is that some bets (through Bovada for instance) I can click the “Bet” button and it will take me directly to the webpage where I can place my bet.

Other bookie (such as Wagerweb) the bet button only takes to the login page where I then have to navigate through the website to go find the bet.

Im not sure if this is just how it is with certain bookies webpages or if I am missing something.

Thanks for the help!

That’s normal, not all websites support deeplinks

Thank you SamBuca! I kind of figured but just wanted to check.

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And there is a recent topic already covering the same question…

Well, considering I said I just got started I probably am not aware of how to navigate the RB community site very well. I also tried looking in the recent Topic section and cold not find my answer. Would it be General, Knowledge Base, etc? I also tried searching “Hyperlink” and only my post comes up so not really sure what I was supposed to do? Not the cleanest navigation on a website either. But yes thank you for the passive comment, and have a great weekend.

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The knowledge base does contain a lot of useful stuff for both the new and more experienced bettors.