Thank you and keep it up

I just wanted to drop a big Thank You to the Rebel Betting team and the helpful members of the community (you know who you are). Ive hit it hard for a couple of months and had a big round of gubbings, so im just experimenting with how to continue my journey.

I have made 10X the pro fees i have spent in profits, and my only regret is that i didnt find RB sooner (while i still had a few more live accounts). This small team has made a huge difference to a lot of people’s bankrolls and I for one, am very grateful for the profit in my account. It can’t be easy battling against multi billion pound giants and helping people to win. Well done guys, and again, thank you.


Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to us. :heart_eyes:
And congratulations on your profit so far, keep up the good job betting.

We could not have done this without you, and the support from our community members and customers. Your feedback and your honest opinions matter, and are of great value to us. We understand that you are frustrated at times too. But we always try our best to improve and listen to everyone’s needs.

Our goal is to make the best possible sports betting tools for you to outsmart the bookmakers. And for this, your continuous feedback is key. :muscle:


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