Valuebet filters and markets

Hello bettors, I would like to know what filters you are using to stay profitable with value bets, and if you are avoiding any type of market or bet.

I am using as a filter above 3% appreciation, odd 1.6 to 3.2, market only money LINE tennis, under x over tennis, under x over basket, handicap football.

Only bet365, and I’m wanting to test a filter on Pinnacle.

This is what I have been using for the past 6 months.

I have several filters. The further it is to TTS the higher the min value is.

And I have been called crazy for this settings. Again, been using it successfully for the past 6 months. On the latest account I went from 4k sek to 60+k sek bankroll in about 6 weeks of live betting.

Btw, I have not had any Betsson bets for the last 48 hours, so…

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But how long has your bet365 account been lasting on average?

I’m looking for better settings to use at Pinnacle, to avoid falling off the radar.

But your results are great, congratulations!

Same. Some error I thinks so…

I reported it a few days ago to RB. Unfortunately it happens that Betsson falls off the feed…

On average, after I start value betting, it lasts about 5-6 weeks I would estimate.
Note that if i do not start value betting the account will last forever.