Hello all fine RebelBettors! I am Mikael from RebelBetting, perhaps you recognize me from our YouTube channel.
Right now, we are looking for passionate RebelBettors from different countries to become our country leads. As a country lead, you’ll be in charge of acquiring new users from your home country to try out the RebelBetting software.
Personally, I have made over 30 000 euros of Affiliate incomes through RebelBetting during the past 3 years.
So, this actually works! You can actually build a career (or a very profitable side hustle) around marketing RebelBetting products.
With time, you can do even better than I’ve been able to do. And you can use endless creativity on how to reach new markets and new users. There really are no limits of how much you can make with marketing RebelBetting products.
I will personally coach you to get started on content creation, marketing, selling the product and maximizing your profits. We currently have 3 spots for future country leads open.
Interested? Send an application to mikael@rebelbetting.com. We make the selections and begin the program on the later part of June.
Hopefully we’ll be working together in the future!
Hey, before applying, let me know if you plan to expand in France. Just asking, because RB does not work well for bookmakers available in France. Check discord to know more if u are interested.
So i would apply if you are interested in France, otherwise i am not.
Thank you for your answer.
We would love to expand there too. But in order for us to do so we need a good affiliate who can help us with spreading the word about RebelBetting. We would also want to get your thoughts on how to improve the service for everyone residing in France. So anyway, your thoughts and ideas would be much appreciated. I suggest you send an email to Mikael and discuss this further. We are all ears!
is there any basic salary for this position or all the income is based on Affiliate market?
If all the income is based on affiliate market then why one even needs to be a country lead when he can simply use the ref link to get commission same way